Welcome to Alstra for Nonprofits

Empowering Charities and NPOs with Digital Excellence

At Alstra, we recognize the particular problems that NGOs face in today’s digital landscape. With years of expertise working with charities and nonprofits, we provide personalized services targeted to your specific needs, ensuring that your message reaches those who matter most.

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Services for Nonprofits

Alstra’s personalized digital solutions, such as website design, security, and managed hosting, will help you achieve your mission. Our skilled staff will help you streamline donations, increase online visibility, and upgrade your website.

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Infrastructure for Nonprofits

Access Alstra’s public suffix eTLD “.ngo.us” and research-backed autonomous systems to establish a secure and effective online presence. Eligible NGOs can take use of free domain services and reliable networking.

Website design for non-profits

Create visually stunning, user-friendly websites that reflect your mission and beliefs.

Integration of Online Donations

Streamline the donation process by using safe, user-friendly payment platforms like CanadaHelps.

Website security

Protect your online presence using industry-leading security processes and safeguards.

Managed website hosting and maintenance

Reliable hosting with ongoing assistance to keep your site optimized and up to date.

Website redesign and refresh

Give your existing website a new, beautiful, and modern design that will appeal to your target audience.

SEO and Google Ad Grants

Increase your online presence with planned SEO and effective Google Ad Grant programs.

About Us

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Our Mission& Vision

Our Mission: Alstra for NGOs’ purpose is to provide NGOs with creative digital solutions that increase their impact while ensuring their message resonates with the communities they serve.

Our aim is for nonprofits to succeed in the digital landscape, using cutting-edge technologies and techniques to advance their cause and make lasting impact.

Our Causes

What We Do

At Alstra, our causes focus on enhancing the digital capabilities of nonprofits. We advocate for digital inclusion, cybersecurity, accessible donation processes, strategic outreach, and robust infrastructure support to help nonprofits thrive online and extend their positive impact on the communities they serve.


Digital Inclusion


Cybersecurity Advocacy


Donation Accessibility


Infrastructure Support


Strategic Outreach

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Consultation and Planning

Schedule a free 15-30 minute consultation with our project manager to discuss your nonprofit’s unique goals and digital needs. We’ll provide a complimentary project startup manual to guide you through planning your website’s structure, design, and features.

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Development and Customization

Based on your specific requirements, our team will design and develop a user-friendly website using expandable CMS platforms like WordPress or Shopify. We tailor features like online donations, multi-language support, membership systems, and more, ensuring a seamless fit for your nonprofit’s mission.

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Launch and Support

Once your website is live, you’ll receive full ownership and a comprehensive guidebook to manage your site. Our value-added packages provide ongoing maintenance, monitoring, and training, while our secure hosting ensures reliable performance. We’re here to help if you need updates or extensions, with transparent pricing every step of the way.

Web Design

Our Process

Our streamlined methodology at Alstra guarantees that NGOs have a targeted, powerful digital presence. We begin with a complimentary consultation to understand your organization’s objectives, followed by the design and development of a feature-rich website tailored to your specific requirements. After you launch your new website, we offer extensive support, training, and value-added services to help your nonprofit thrive online with safe, user-friendly digital tools.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Alstra's web development cost?

The base price of our web development services starts from $1200 CAD, depending on the number of pages you need, the complexity of your website structure, design and functionality. This price is not just for website development services, but also includes optimization of the website for mobile screen, and built-in search engine optimization (SEO). If you haven’t quite figured out where to start, that’s okay, so set up an appointment with one of our project managers and take advantage of a free 15-30 minute consulting service. We’ll help you sort through your needs and give you a free project start-up manual.

What are the features of the websites developed by Alstra?

We use expandable web content management systems such as WordPress, Shopify, etc. to design and develop for our clients, and can customize a variety of features according to their different needs, such as reservation, booking, online payment, membership system, automatic invoicing, order management, blogging system, multi-language switching, and so on.

How long does it take Alstra to develop a website?

To make it easier for you to track the progress of your project, we clearly plan deadlines before we start work. Typically, our website development cycle is around 3 weeks. It will be shorter if the website structure is simple and also if the client is quick to provide the information needed for development. It is recommended to contact us at least 4 weeks in advance in order to achieve the desired goals. Of course, if you need a website urgently, we will think of a solution for you and give you appropriate advice and solutions.

Does Alstra sign service contracts? Is there legal protection?

Of course! Alstra is a federal corporation. All the services we provide are guaranteed by contract, and the invoices issued have a CRA tax ID number, so please rest assured.

What makes Alstra different from other website builders?

Alstra is a federally registered Canadian company with many years of experience. Our attention to detail and design process is complemented by excellent technical capability in operation and maintenance. Our project director will follow up with you to efficiently communicate your needs and customize the best solution for you. If you have online e-commerce payment collection needs, we have partnered with one of Canada’s largest local payment providers to offer you better rates than others.

What materials do clients need to prepare for the website production process? How to communicate?

During the development process, you only need to provide the necessary documents, such as company logo, color scheme suggestions, copywriting content and other references, and attend a few meetings to communicate ideas in a timely manner. All meetings are conducted through Google Meet video conferencing or phone calls, and the information is mainly transmitted by email.

Does Alstra provide domain name registration services?

We recommend that you register your domain name under your own name, as it is like a house number for your website and it is in your best interest to have control over it. If you want, we can also register it for you. Domain name registrars usually charge around $10-15 CAD per year.

Does Alstra provide web server hosting?

Our server hosting prices start as low as $5 CAD per month, and all of our websites run on dedicated servers that do not share system resources with others. We also configure the global CDN acceleration for the website, no matter where the user is, can open your website in seconds. In addition, we have independently developed a proprietary website firewall, which can block most network penetration attacks and protect the security of your website.

Will the website incur any other costs besides the server after the site is live?

Upon completion of the website, we will hand over 100% ownership and control to you. Alstra has developed an easy-to-understand back-end, so that you are fully capable of modifying, editing and maintaining the content of the website on your own in the future. If you need us to make changes or extensions, we will quote you separately and keep our pricing transparent. We will also provide you with a guidebook to show you how to manage your website. If you just can’t find the time, we also have value-added packages that offer website maintenance and monitoring services, as well as additional training services for website operation and management.


What if the quote has to be adjusted during the production process?

Quotation adjustments are usually caused by the client’s request to expand the content scale or functionality during the development process. In order to avoid this situation leading to disputes, we will confirm the scale of the website with the client before the start of the project and provide a quote accordingly based on the content and functional requirements of the website. If the size of the website or the client’s requirements change during the development process, Alstra will continue to communicate with the client to confirm and ensure the quality of the finished product. All the services we provide are guaranteed by a contract, which is signed by both parties before the development work is carried out.

Ask a different question

Empower Your Mission Digitally

Embark on your nonprofit’s digital journey by scheduling a free 15-30 minute consultation with one of our project managers. We’ll help you identify your goals, map out a personalized strategy, and provide a complimentary project startup guide. Together, we’ll build a secure, impactful online presence that amplifies your cause and connects you with those who matter most. Reach out today and take the first step toward empowering your mission digitally!

Get Started Today.

Email: info (at) alstra.ca

Call Anytime: (647)-931-8881