Grow Your Business Online with CDAP Micro-Grant in 2024

Jul 5, 2024 | Alstra Products Blog, Industry Solutions

Looking to add e-commerce skills to stay competitive? Need to better serve existing clients while also attracting new ones? CDAP can help with the costs of adopting digital technology by providing a micro-grant of up to $2,400. The CDAP Grow Your Business Online award assists SMEs in going online, increasing sales, implementing security software, connecting with customers, improving social media marketing, and improving user experience for online customers.

Table of Contents

  • Eligibility Criteria
  • Connecting with Local Service Providers
  • Application Process
  • Utilization of the Grant

Disclaimer: This article provides a summary of the CDAP Grow Your Business Online grant program. Please note that program details and eligibility criteria may change. For the most complete and up-to-date information, visit the official Canada Digital Adoption Program website.

Eligibility Criteria

Before applying for the CDAP Grow Your firm Online grant, be sure your firm fits the eligibility requirements.

Check the CDAP grant assessment tool to check if your company qualifies.

Basic Requirements

You can get funding through CDAP if your business:

  • Is a for-profit business (including for-profit social enterprises and co-operatives)
  • Is registered or incorporated
  • Is consumer-facing (sells goods and services directly to end consumers)
  • Has at least one employee (other than the owner) OR had at least $30,000 in annual revenue in the most recent tax year
  • Commits to maintaining a digital adoption strategy for six months
  • Agrees to participate in follow-up surveys, share data about the experience, and have its name published as a grant recipient

Non-Eligible Businesses

Your business is not eligible if it is:

  • A corporate chain, franchise, or registered charity
  • A representative of a multi-level marketing company
  • A brokerage firm (e.g., real estate agents, investment advisors, insurance agents)
  • Engaged in online reselling or drop-shipping reliant on third-party suppliers
  • A wholesale or distribution business and manufacturer (unless you sell directly to consumers)

Application Process

Step 1: Eligibility Check

Review the eligibility criteria to make sure the program is right for you. Use the CDAP grant assessment tool to check your qualification.

Step 2: Local Service Provider

Connect with your local service provider for assistance with your application. They provide valuable support in crafting your digital adoption strategy.

Step 3: Grant Application

Apply for the grant with the help of your service provider. Ensure your application is detailed and aligns with the program’s goals.

Utilization of the Grant

The CDAP grant can be utilized in several ways to boost your online business presence. Here are some eligible uses of the grant:

E-commerce Development

  • New E-commerce Website: Develop a new e-commerce website or add functionality to your existing site (e.g., online reservation/booking tools, online ordering systems, electronic payments, search engine optimization (SEO)).
  • E-commerce Platform Installation: Install an e-commerce platform, including subscription fees and costs.

Digital Marketing Strategies

  • Consultant Services: Hire a consultant to help with digital marketing strategies for your e-commerce store. This could include activities such as social media advertising, provided they are part of an overall e-commerce implementation plan.

Software and Hardware

  • E-commerce Software: Use the grant to track and manage inventory and sales, market to customers, offer discounts, maintain a loyalty program, or increase cybersecurity using e-commerce software.
  • Hardware and Software Costs: Pay up to 20% of the total cost of hardware and software, provided these costs are directly tied to the sale of goods and services online.


  • The grant cannot be used solely for digital marketing or social media advertising unless these are tied to an overall e-commerce implementation plan.
  • Redesign of an existing site is not eligible for funding.

Use the CDAP microgrant to improve your company’s online presence and remain competitive in today’s digital industry. Adopting digital technologies allows you to successfully serve existing clients while also attracting new ones.