Email Marketing

Result and Deliverability Oriented

toronto email marketing

What is Different About Alstra's Email Marketing Campaigns?

If you know a little bit about email marketing, I’m sure you’ve heard of or used some SaaS sending platforms such as Mailchimp. But these SaaS platforms provide basic tools and features. Although these platforms are user-friendly, they are usually limited to providing the basic functions of email sending. In contrast, our service not only includes basic functions, but also focuses on providing long-term value and comprehensive solutions to ensure that your email marketing campaigns achieve the best results.

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How Do We Ensure Successful Toronto Email Marketing Campaigns?

Dedicated Domain Name Registration

We provide a free one-year registration of a unique domain name dedicated solely to your email campaigns. This domain is separate from your primary business domain, safeguarding your main communication channels from potential blacklisting issues that can arise from email marketing activities.

Email Authentication Setup

Our team expertly configures essential email authentication protocols including DMARC, DKIM, MX, and SPF records. These settings are crucial for verifying your emails’ authenticity, improving deliverability, and enhancing the security of your email communications.

Analytics and Tracking Configuration

We implement analytics and tracking systems to monitor the performance of your email campaigns. This setup enables you to gain valuable insights into recipient engagement and campaign effectiveness.

Email Domain and IP Warmup

We conduct a systematic 7 to 15 day warmup process for your email domain and IP address to establish a positive sending reputation. This step helps prevent your emails from being flagged as spam, ensuring better inbox placement and deliverability.

What Happens During a Successful Toronto Email Marketing Campaign?


Email Design and Layout

Tailored to meet your specific needs, our services include the design of visually appealing email templates as well as the creation of standard plain text emails. Our designs aim to reflect your brand’s identity and communicate your message effectively.

Campaign Monitoring and Deliverability

Throughout your email campaign, we continuously monitor deliverability to ensure that your messages are successfully reaching your audience’s inboxes. This proactive approach helps in adjusting strategies in real-time to optimize performance.

Engagement Metrics Tracking

We track key performance indicators such as open rates and click-through rates. These metrics provide insight into the effectiveness of your email campaigns and help in refining future strategies.

Bounce Rate Monitoring

During the campaign, we monitor and analyze the bounce rates of your emails. Understanding bounce patterns helps in maintaining the health of your email list and improving overall campaign deliverability.

Email List Maintenance and Manual Clean-up

Our manual cleaning service for your email list reduces the risk of bounce-backs and potential blacklisting. We remove non-valid contacts, including full inboxes, deregistered email addresses, and accounts that are no longer active due to employees leaving the company. This process ensures that your communications are sent only to current and active recipients, enhancing engagement and compliance with best practices.

Ready to Get Started?

We help company owners in Ontario and across Canada build their businesses every day. How can we assist you in doing the same?

You can also book a 15 minutes free consultation and receive a free project starter package.

Let our expert help you and guide you through your vision.