School Website Design & Learning Management Systems (LMS)

One-stop solutions for Canadian educational institutions, including schools, online academies, and training centers. Our services encompass modern school website design, powerful Moodle Learning Management Systems (LMS) installation, and comprehensive system integration. We aim to enhance educational management and teaching quality through efficient information display, parent-school interaction, online learning management, centralized data management, and effective communication.

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Modern School Website Design

Alstra creates modern, user-friendly, and highly responsive official websites for Canadian educational institutions, enhancing their image and online presence.

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Moodle LMS Installation

We offer professional Moodle LMS installation and customization services to help educators establish an efficient online learning environment.

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IT Support and Maintenance

Our all-encompassing IT support and maintenance services ensure that educational institutions’ networks and platforms operate smoothly, safeguarding the continuity and security of teaching activities.

Empower Canadian Education

Moodle Learning Management Systems (LMS) for Schools, Classrooms and Online Courses

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Course, Student, and Faculty Management


Our Moodle solution provides robust learning management features, allowing teachers to create and manage online courses efficiently. With an integrated text editor and multimedia capabilities, instructors can easily upload teaching materials and design course content. Students can view assignments, submit work, and participate in online tests through a personalized dashboard, with all progress tracked in real-time for a transparent and efficient learning process. Moodle’s comprehensive calendar feature helps students manage their tasks and deadlines effectively.

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Teacher-Student Collaboration


Moodle emphasizes collaboration through built-in tools such as forums, wikis, and glossaries, facilitating interaction and resource sharing between students and teachers. Group management features enable teachers to organize students into project teams, fostering teamwork. Online grading and peer assessment features enhance interactive learning and timely feedback, extending support beyond classroom teaching to extracurricular activities and projects, thereby improving students’ collaborative skills and learning outcomes.

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Tracking and Security


Moodle offers comprehensive management capabilities, allowing administrators to create a customized online teaching platform aligned with the school’s brand. The system supports multiple languages, ensuring usability for users from diverse backgrounds. Security features such as authentication and bulk registration safeguard user data and streamline management. Regular security updates and detailed reporting and logging functionalities ensure system stability, allowing administrators to monitor user activities in real-time and generate detailed participation reports to enhance management efficiency.


Why Choose Alstra?


Modern School Website Design

Our modern school website design services ensure every school has a fully functional, user-friendly online portal. Through customized designs, we highlight the school’s unique features and achievements, enhancing its brand image. Parents and students can easily access the latest school news, activity calendars, and course information, promoting parent-school interaction and increasing satisfaction.


Online Learning Management Platform

With our installed and configured Moodle LMS, educational institutions can create an efficient online learning management environment. Teachers can easily create and manage online courses, while students can access learning resources, submit assignments, and take online tests anytime, anywhere. Personalized dashboards and progress tracking ensure every student can efficiently manage their learning tasks.


Collaborative and Interactive Teaching

Our solution emphasizes collaborative and interactive teaching through Moodle’s built-in tools like forums, wikis, and glossaries. Teachers and students can engage in deep exchanges and interactions within courses. Group management features support project collaborations, and online grading and peer assessment features enhance classroom interaction and learning outcomes, improving overall teaching quality.


Administrative System Integration and Security Management

Alstra offers comprehensive administrative system integration services, combining course management, grade recording, and student information into one platform, enhancing management efficiency. Our system supports multiple languages, ensuring usability for users from different backgrounds. Security features such as authentication and bulk registration safeguard user data, and regular security updates and detailed reporting and logging functionalities ensure system stability and data security.

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"After choosing Alstra's services, we found it offered much greater flexibility and freedom compared to many SaaS platforms on the market, such as Blackboard, Canvas, and Schoology, which require long-term binding contracts. Our school website and Moodle LMS are not only cost-effective but also adjustable and expandable according to our needs, without the worry of high renewal fees and binding terms."

— Director of Academic Affairs, International School

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"Alstra provided our educational institution with a one-stop administrative system solution. Compared to other services that require separate purchases and integrations, Alstra’s system integrated all necessary functions, including course management, online learning, and collaboration tools, saving both money and effort. Our management efficiency has significantly improved, and teaching quality has noticeably enhanced."

— Principal, An Ontario Vocational Training School

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"We chose Alstra because of its transparent and affordable service model. Unlike many other platforms that require additional payments for plugins and add-ons, Alstra’s pricing is clear, with no hidden fees. Our Moodle platform is fully equipped with all necessary functions, greatly reducing our budget pressure."

— Founder, An Ontario Online Education Center

Free Consultation to Kickstart Your Digital Education Journey

Looking to create a modern, cost-effective online education platform for your school? Contact us now to schedule a free 15-minute consultation and get a personalized digital solution. Whether it’s school website design, Moodle LMS installation, or comprehensive administrative system integration, our experts will provide professional advice and detailed project initiation handbooks, helping you efficiently enhance educational management and teaching quality. Click the link below to schedule your free consultation and start your digital education journey today!